Friday, January 2, 2009

I don't know if this necessitates its own lonely spot on a sidebar

You may have noticed that I filmed everyone but myself making New Year's resolutions. One of my resolutions is to make time to submit poems to places this year. I have been absolutely miserable at sending things out during the past twelve months. I sent something to this website after one of my KU professor's linked it on his blog, and my pastiche/cut-up/flarf is on the site. I'm going to continue to submit things as much as I can while I'm in China. If more than just this one thing gets put somewhere on the web, then I'll make a sidebar. I think if anyone who reads this blog is interested in submitting things to 3by3by3, they should.

1 comment:

Dr. Nancy Champion Cartwright said...

Great post on the 3 site Ben. I love it. If you still have a copy of your Winter People it would make a great post in Spokane.