I've been wanting to post some of these pictures for a long time now on ye olde blogge. During all of our travels I felt compelled to take pictures of door-knockers, rain-gutters, paving stones and other smaller details. I think this stemmed from a frustration with the grandiose, tourist-shots I was taking at the beginning of our travels. It's essentially impossible to convey the scope, or beauty of most of the places we've traveled in any kind of landscape shot. Or rather, grandiose beauty is far less interesting to me than idiosyncratic details. I think it's a little bit pointless to take shot after shot of places like, say, Tienanmen Square, or even the Forbidden City. I still took plenty of these pictures, but the photos I like most are the ones that focus on minutia, or on the people in my neighborhood. This is all, of course, my completely subjective, personal opinion. Without further adieu, I present to you some of the pictures I took on our trip that I think are in